Friday, November 03, 2006


C# code to implement a compressed and encrypted User Defined Type (UDT) in SQL Server 2005

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//Begining of sample code
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express
// or implied warranty. In no event will the author be
// held liable for any damages arising from the use of this
// software.
// The purpose of this code is to implement a compressed
// and encrypted User Defined Type for SQL Server 2005
// To compile the code and generate the corresponding assembly
// copy the content between the literal
// "//Begining of sample code" and "//ending of sample code",
// save it in a file (for example in
// C:\CompressEncrypt\CompEncString.cs) and at the command
// prompt type:
// csc /out:C:\CompressEncrypt\CompEncString.dll
// /target:library C:\CompressEncrypt\CompEncString.cs
// assuming the c# compiler is in your path variable
// or use the c# IDE
// For a detailed sample about haw this UDT can be used,
// read my post


[SqlUserDefinedType(Format.UserDefined, IsByteOrdered = true,
MaxByteSize = 8000, Name = "CompEncString", IsFixedLength = false)]
public class CompEncString : INullable, IBinarySerialize
private state and constructors

//Original plain text
private string m_String;

//Plain text ompressed and encrypted
private byte[] m_Bytes;

//Salt min and max len
private int minSaltLen = 4;
private int maxSaltLen = 32;

//Min len of plain text to fire compression
private int MinLenToCompress = 128;

public CompEncString(string value)
this.m_String = value;
this.m_Bytes = GetCompressedEncryptedBytes(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(value));

public CompEncString(byte[] bytes)
this.m_Bytes = bytes;
public bool IsNull
return this.m_String == null && this.m_Bytes == null;

public static CompEncString Null
CompEncString str = new CompEncString((string)null);

return str;

public CompEncString()


Parse/ToString Methods

[Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlMethod(IsDeterministic = true,
IsPrecise = true, DataAccess = DataAccessKind.Read,
SystemDataAccess = SystemDataAccessKind.None)]
public override string ToString()
//Returns de original text by decrypting and decompressing
if (this.m_Bytes != null)
this.m_String = GetDecryptedDecompressedString(this.m_Bytes);
this.m_String = null;

return this.m_String;

[Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlMethod(DataAccess = DataAccessKind.Read,
SystemDataAccess = SystemDataAccessKind.None)]
public static CompEncString Parse(SqlString sqlString)
//Performs compression and encryption of original plain text
if (sqlString.IsNull)
return CompEncString.Null;
return new CompEncString(sqlString.Value);

IBinarySerialize Members

public void Write(System.IO.BinaryWriter w)
//Writes the binary data (compressed and encrypted) adding
//a small header which represents the len of binary data

public void Read(System.IO.BinaryReader r)
//Reads the binary data. The len of the data
//to be read is in the data header
int length = r.ReadInt32();
this.m_Bytes = r.ReadBytes(length);


conversion to/from compressed and encrypted strings

private byte[] GetCompressedEncryptedBytes(byte[] input)
//Compress and encrypt the array of bytes received as parameter
//Compression is done with GZipStream. After original plain text has
//been compressed, it is encrypted using Rijndael algorithm and the Key
//and IV stored in the database.
//Previous to encrypting, Random data is pre-appended to byte array (salt)
//to generate different encrypted array for the same plain text

byte[] output;
byte[] compressedsalted;
byte[] rKey = new byte[32];
byte[] rIV = new byte[16];

//Get KEY and IV
if (GetKEYIV(ref rKey, ref rIV) == false)
//We can not read key and IV
throw new Exception("It has not been possible to get KEY and IV to encrypt data.\n" +
"Try running the procedure SetCEStringSecurity to correctly set up KEY and IV");
if (input.Length >= MinLenToCompress)
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
//Compress the original byte array
using (GZipStream gz = new GZipStream(ms, CompressionMode.Compress, true))
gz.Write(input, 0, input.Length);

//Add random data to the compressed result
compressedsalted = this.AddSalt(ms.ToArray());
//Add random data to plain text
compressedsalted = this.AddSalt(input);

//Encrypt salted data
output = Encrypt(compressedsalted,rKey,rIV);

return output;

private string GetDecryptedDecompressedString(byte[] input)
//Decrypt and decompress the array of bytes received as parameter.
//Decryption is done using Rijndael algorithm and the Key
//and IV stored in the database.Then, the random data added (salt)
//is removed and finally, the resulting array is decompressed using

const int MaxDeccompressedSize = 8000;
byte[] output = new byte[MaxDeccompressedSize];
int length = 0;
byte[] compressedsalted;
byte[] rKey = new byte[32];
byte[] rIV = new byte[16];

//Get the KEY and IV
if (GetKEYIV(ref rKey, ref rIV) == false)
//We can not read key and IV
throw new Exception("It has not been possible to get KEY and IV to encrypt data.\n" +
"Try running the procedure SetCEStringSecurity to correctly set up KEY and IV");
//Decrypt the byte array
compressedsalted = Decrypt(input, rKey,rIV);

//Remove random data from the decrypted array
//Firts, get the salt len
int saltLen = (compressedsalted[0] & 0x03)
(compressedsalted[1] & 0x0c)
(compressedsalted[2] & 0x30)
(compressedsalted[3] & 0xc0);

// Copy original plain text discarding the salt value
Array.Copy(compressedsalted, saltLen, output,
0, compressedsalted.Length - saltLen);

//Check gzip header magic number. Perhaps, the original
//plain text was not compressed because it was too short
if ((output[0] == 0x1f) & (output[1] == 0x8b))
//Now decompress the array to obtain the original plain text
//As the plain text can not be larger than 8000 bytes, lets
//decompress in one single step, allocating enough memory
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(output))
using (GZipStream gz = new GZipStream(ms, CompressionMode.Decompress, true))
int numBytesRead = 0;
int offset = 0;
numBytesRead = gz.Read(output, offset, MaxDeccompressedSize);
if (numBytesRead == 0)
Array.Resize<byte>(ref output, length);
else if (numBytesRead < MaxDeccompressedSize)
Array.Resize<byte>(ref output, numBytesRead);
//incorrect gzip format! little to do. Just return as plain text
return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(output);
return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(output);

Helper functions for encryption

//Encrypt a byte array into a byte array using Rijndael,a key and an IV
private byte[] Encrypt(byte[] clearData, byte[] Key, byte[] IV)
//Encryption artifacts
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
Rijndael enc = Rijndael.Create();

//Set the KEY and IV
enc.Key = Key;
enc.IV = IV;

//explicitly set properties, even if they have default values
enc.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
enc.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;

//Perform encryption
CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, enc.CreateEncryptor(),
cs.Write(clearData, 0, clearData.Length);

//Return encrypted array
return ms.ToArray();

// Decrypt a byte array into a byte array using Rijndael,a key and an IV
private byte[] Decrypt(byte[] cipherData, byte[] Key, byte[] IV)
//Decryption artifacts
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
Rijndael dec = Rijndael.Create();

//Set the KEY and IV
dec.Key = Key;
dec.IV = IV;

//explicitly set properties, even if they have default values
dec.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
dec.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;

//Perform decryption
CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, dec.CreateDecryptor(),
cs.Write(cipherData, 0, cipherData.Length);

//Return recrypted array
return ms.ToArray();

private bool GetKEYIV(ref byte[] Key, ref byte[] IV)
//Reads the KEY and IV stored in the database, in the table SecurityGuard
//and encrypted using an asymmetric key named k_CEStringProtector
string sqlsentence;

//Prepare the sentence to decrypt and read the encryption key and IV
sqlsentence = "select DecryptByAsymKey(AsymKey_ID('k_CEStringProtector')," +
"SecurityGuardKey) frKEY,DecryptByAsymKey(AsymKey_ID('k_CEStringProtector')," +
"SecurityGuardIV) frIV from SecurityGuard where " +

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("context connection=true"))
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlsentence, connection);
//Read the KEY and IV. If nothing is present, returns false
SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
if (reader.HasRows)
if (reader.GetSqlBytes(0).IsNull == true reader.GetSqlBytes(1).IsNull == true)
return false;

//Load the key
reader.GetBytes(0, 0, Key, 0, 32);

//Load the IV
reader.GetBytes(1, 0, IV, 0, 16);

return true;
return false;
return false;
/// Adds an array of randomly generated bytes at the beginning of the
/// array holding original plain text value.
/// This code has been borrowed from
private byte[] AddSalt(byte[] plainTextBytes)
// Generate the salt.
byte[] saltBytes = GenerateSalt();

// Allocate array which will hold salt and plain text bytes.
byte[] plainTextBytesWithSalt = new byte[plainTextBytes.Length +
// First, copy salt bytes.
Array.Copy(saltBytes, plainTextBytesWithSalt, saltBytes.Length);

// Append plain text bytes to the salt value.
Array.Copy(plainTextBytes, 0,
plainTextBytesWithSalt, saltBytes.Length,

return plainTextBytesWithSalt;

/// Generates an array holding cryptographically strong bytes.
/// This code has been borrowed from
private byte[] GenerateSalt()
int saltLen = 0;

// Use random number generator to calculate salt length.
saltLen = GenerateRandomNumber(minSaltLen, maxSaltLen);

// Allocate byte array to hold our salt.
byte[] salt = new byte[saltLen];

// Populate salt with cryptographically strong bytes.
RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();


// Split salt length (always one byte) into four two-bit pieces and
// store these pieces in the first four bytes of the salt array.
salt[0] = (byte)((salt[0] & 0xfc) (saltLen & 0x03));
salt[1] = (byte)((salt[1] & 0xf3) (saltLen & 0x0c));
salt[2] = (byte)((salt[2] & 0xcf) (saltLen & 0x30));
salt[3] = (byte)((salt[3] & 0x3f) (saltLen & 0xc0));

return salt;

/// Generates random integer
/// This code has been borrowed from
private int GenerateRandomNumber(int minValue, int maxValue)
// We will make up an integer seed from 4 bytes of this array.
byte[] randomBytes = new byte[4];

// Generate 4 random bytes.
RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();

// Convert four random bytes into a positive integer value.
int seed = ((randomBytes[0] & 0x7f) << 24)
(randomBytes[1] << 16)
(randomBytes[2] << 8)

// Now, this looks more like real randomization.
Random random = new Random(seed);

// Calculate a random number.
return random.Next(minValue, maxValue + 1);



class EncryptionSetUp
private static readonly string CRLF = System.Environment.NewLine;
public static void SetCEStringSecurity(string PassPhrase, int Force)
//This procedure executes the necessary work to set up all the necessary
//infrastructure for the Compressed and Encrypted user defined type:
// - Checks for the existence of database master key. If not present, a
// master key is created and encrypted using the user's pass phrase
// -Checks for the existence of the asymmetric key k_CEStringProtector
// used to encrypt the symmetric key and IV. If it doesn't exist, it
// is created.
// - Additionally, not only the presence of these keys is checked, but also
// also their usability, trying to hide to the user all the necessary work
// to set up security: the user only needs to rememeber the pass phrase
// - Once the master key and the asymmetric key are up, the table SecurityGuard
// is created, a symmetric key and a IV are derived from the user's pass phrase
// and all of this information (pass phrase, KEY and IV) is stored in the table
// encrypted by the asymmetric key k_CEStringProtector.

string sqlsentence;
string MessageInCaseOfError = "";
string sqlPassPhrase;
byte[] rKEY = new byte[32];
byte[] rIV = new byte[16];
int result = 0;

//escape single quotation mark from pass phrase
sqlPassPhrase = PassPhrase.Replace("'", "''");
GenerateKEYIV(PassPhrase, ref rKEY, ref rIV);

//Check DB master key exists
sqlsentence = "select count(*) from sys.symmetric_keys " +
"where symmetric_key_id=101";
MessageInCaseOfError = "Unexpected error trying to guess if your database " +
"has DB master key created: ";
if (ExecuteSQLWithResult(sqlsentence, ref result, ref MessageInCaseOfError) == false)
//We can not continue without db master key

if (result == 0) //No Db master Key present, lets create it
sqlsentence = "create master key encryption by password='" + sqlPassPhrase + "'";
MessageInCaseOfError = "Since the database has not a mster key created,the " +
"system has tried to create it for you using the pass phrase you " +
"provided, but the following error ocurred: ";
if (ExecuteSQLWithResult(sqlsentence, ref result, ref MessageInCaseOfError) == false)
//We can not continue without db master key

//Lets check the asymmetric key
sqlsentence = "select count(*) from sys.asymmetric_keys where name='k_CEStringProtector'";
MessageInCaseOfError = "Unexpected error trying to guess if your database has " +
"the asymetric key created: ";
if (ExecuteSQLWithResult(sqlsentence, ref result, ref MessageInCaseOfError) == false)
//We can not continue if we are not able to check

if (result == 0) //No assymetric Key present, lets create it
sqlsentence = "create asymmetric key k_CEStringProtector WITH ALGORITHM = RSA_2048";
MessageInCaseOfError = "";
if (ExecuteSQLWithNoResult(sqlsentence, ref MessageInCaseOfError) == false)
//We can still try to open master key using the provided pass phrase
//as last chance (perhaps the database has been restored in a different
//server and the master key needs to be reencrypted
if (ReOpenDatabaseMasterKey(sqlPassPhrase) == false)
//We can not continue with no usable master key

else //Master key restored, re-try asymmetric key creation
sqlsentence = "create asymmetric key k_CEStringProtector WITH ALGORITHM = RSA_2048";
MessageInCaseOfError = "It has been not possible to create the " +
"asymmetric master key: ";
if (ExecuteSQLWithNoResult(sqlsentence, ref MessageInCaseOfError) == false)

//Lets check if the asymmetric key is ready to encrypt
sqlsentence = "select convert(int,isnull(convert(varchar(50)," +
"decryptbyasymkey(asymkey_id('k_CEStringProtector')," +
MessageInCaseOfError = "Unexpected error trying to check asymmetric key availability: ";
if (ExecuteSQLWithResult(sqlsentence, ref result, ref MessageInCaseOfError) == false)
//We can not continue since asymmetric encryption does not work

if (result != 1)
//Asymmetric key not correctly working, lets try to re-open master key
//We can still try to open master key using the provided pass phrase
//as last chance (perhaps the database has been restored in a different
//server and the master key needs to be reencrypted
if (ReOpenDatabaseMasterKey(sqlPassPhrase) == false)

else //Master key restored, re-try asymmetric key encryption
sqlsentence = "select convert(int,isnull(convert(varchar(50)," +
"decryptbyasymkey(asymkey_id('k_CEStringProtector')," +
MessageInCaseOfError = "It has been not possible to create the asymmetric " +
"master key: ";
if (ExecuteSQLWithResult(sqlsentence, ref result, ref MessageInCaseOfError) == false)

if (result != 1)
//Asymmetric key still not correctly working, we can't do anything more
MessageInCaseOfError = "It has been not possible to create the " +
"asymmetric master key: " + CRLF + MessageInCaseOfError;
//Here we are with a master key and an asymmetric key ready for use.

//Create the table to store the pass phrase and dervied keys
sqlsentence = "if not exists (select * from sys.sysobjects where id = " +
"object_id(N'[SecurityGuard]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)" + CRLF +
"CREATE TABLE [SecurityGuard](" + CRLF +
"[SecurityGuardName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL," + CRLF +
"[SecurityGuardPassPhrase] [varbinary](500) NULL," + CRLF +
"[SecurityGuardKey] [varbinary](500) NULL," + CRLF +
"[SecurityGuardIV] [varbinary](500) NULL," + CRLF +
"([SecurityGuardName] ASC))" + CRLF;
MessageInCaseOfError = "Unexpected error creating the table to store your pass phrase: ";
if (ExecuteSQLWithNoResult(sqlsentence, ref MessageInCaseOfError) == false)

//If there is not pass phrase with keys, create them
sqlsentence = "select count(*) from SecurityGuard where SecurityGuardName='default'";
MessageInCaseOfError = "Unexpected error reading the table to store your pass phrase: ";
if (ExecuteSQLWithResult(sqlsentence, ref result, ref MessageInCaseOfError) == false)
//We can not continue

if (result != 1) //Thre is no pass phrase, lets create it
sqlsentence = "insert into SecurityGuard (SecurityGuardName," +
"SecurityGuardPassPhrase,SecurityGuardKey,SecurityGuardIV)" +
"values ('default'," +
"EncryptByPassPhrase (N'" + sqlPassPhrase + "',N'" + sqlPassPhrase + "')," +
"EncryptByAsymKey(AsymKey_ID('k_CEStringProtector'),0x" + GetHexStringFromBytes(rKEY) + ")," +
"EncryptByAsymKey(AsymKey_ID('k_CEStringProtector'),0x" + GetHexStringFromBytes(rIV) + "))";
MessageInCaseOfError = "Unexpected error storing your pass phrase: ";
if (ExecuteSQLWithNoResult(sqlsentence, ref MessageInCaseOfError) == false)
//There is a pass phrase. Lets check it is the same the user is providing now
// In such case, we will update the keys. If they are different, only update
//if the parameter Force is 1
sqlsentence = "select count(*) from SecurityGuard where SecurityGuardName='default' " +
"and convert(nvarchar(500),DecryptByPassPhrase(N'" + sqlPassPhrase +
"',SecurityGuardPassPhrase))=N'" + sqlPassPhrase + "'";
MessageInCaseOfError = "Unexpected error reading the table to store your " +
"pass phrase: ";
if (ExecuteSQLWithResult(sqlsentence, ref result, ref MessageInCaseOfError) == false)

if ((result == 1) (Force == 1))
sqlsentence = "update SecurityGuard set " +
"SecurityGuardPassPhrase = EncryptByPassPhrase (N'" + sqlPassPhrase + "',N'" + sqlPassPhrase + "'), " +
"SecurityGuardKey = EncryptByAsymKey(AsymKey_ID('k_CEStringProtector'),0x" + GetHexStringFromBytes(rKEY) + "), " +
"SecurityGuardIV=EncryptByAsymKey(AsymKey_ID('k_CEStringProtector'),0x" + GetHexStringFromBytes(rIV) + ") " +
"where SecurityGuardName='default'";
MessageInCaseOfError = "Unexpected error updating your pass phrase: ";
if (ExecuteSQLWithNoResult(sqlsentence, ref MessageInCaseOfError) == false)
else //The stored pass phrase and the current one do not match
//inform about the possibility of use the parameter Force
MessageInCaseOfError = "The pass phrase you are providing does not match the existing one." +
"If you want the new pass phrase to become the active pass phrase, use the " +
"the parameter Force = 1 when executing this procedure, but be aware that " +
"previous encrypted data will become unusable";


private static void SendFeedBackToUser(string errmessage)

private static bool ReOpenDatabaseMasterKey(string sqlPassPhrase)
string sqlsentence;
string MessageInCaseOfError;

sqlsentence = "open master key decryption by password='" + sqlPassPhrase + "'" + CRLF +
"close master key";
MessageInCaseOfError = "The database has a master key that either has not been " + CRLF +
"created by this tool or it has been created with this tool but using " +
"a different pass phrase. " + CRLF +
"If you situation is the first case: " + CRLF +
" - you should recover it from you master key backup. " + CRLF +
"If you situation is the second case: " + CRLF +
" - Try again providing the correct pass phrase." + CRLF +
" OR " + CRLF +
" - If you want to change the pass phrase (assuming all the content " + CRLF +
" encrypted with the previous pass phrase will become unavailable)" + CRLF +
" you have to: " + CRLF +
" - Drop asymmetric key k_CEStringProtector executing " + CRLF +
" drop asymmetric key k_CEStringProtector " + CRLF +
" - Drop database master key executing " + CRLF +
" drop master key " + CRLF;

if (ExecuteSQLWithNoResult(sqlsentence, ref MessageInCaseOfError) == false)
//We can not open the master key
return false;
else //Master key restored
return true;

//executes the sentence received as parameter in the sqlcontext and return the
//value of first column/first Row in value parameter.
//If ErrorMessage parameter is not empty and an error occures, ErrorMessage
//and the exception error message are sent to the user
private static bool ExecuteSQLWithResult(string SQLSentence, ref int value, ref string ErrorMessage)
string MessageToUser;
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("context connection=true"))
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();
SqlDataReader reader;
command.Connection = connection;

command.CommandText = SQLSentence;
reader = command.ExecuteReader();
if (reader.HasRows)
if (reader.GetSqlInt32(0).IsNull ==false)
value = (int) reader.GetSqlInt32(0);
return true;
catch (Exception e)
if (ErrorMessage != "")
MessageToUser = ErrorMessage + CRLF + e.Message;
return false;

//executes the sentence received as parameter in the sqlcontext
//If ErrorMessage parameter is not empty and an error occures, ErrorMessage
//and the exception error message are sent to the user
private static bool ExecuteSQLWithNoResult(string SQLSentence, ref string ErrorMessage)
int value;
string MessageToUser;
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("context connection=true"))
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();
SqlDataReader reader;
command.Connection = connection;

command.CommandText = SQLSentence;
reader = command.ExecuteReader();
if (reader.HasRows)
value = (int)reader.GetSqlInt32(0);
return true;
catch (Exception e)
if (ErrorMessage != "")
MessageToUser = ErrorMessage + CRLF + e.Message;
return false;

// Generate a Key and IV from a passphrase
private static void GenerateKEYIV(string PassPhrase, ref byte[] Key, ref byte[] IV)
MD5CryptoServiceProvider hash = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
PasswordDeriveBytes pdb = new PasswordDeriveBytes(PassPhrase,
Array.Copy(pdb.GetBytes(32), Key, 32);
Array.Copy(pdb.GetBytes(16), IV, 16);
public static string GetHexStringFromBytes(byte[] bytes)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(bytes.Length * 2);
if ((bytes == null) (bytes.Length == 0))
return null;

for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
return sb.ToString();

//ending of sample code
. . .

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